Box Office


Ramona Hillside Playhouse Theater

27402 Ramona Bowl Road, Hemet, CA 92544

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Theater Information: 951-658-5300

General Theater Information

Located 0.1 mile and 2 minutes north of the historic Ramona Bowl Amphitheatre in Hemet, CA.

Box Office Information

The box office is open 1 hour before the day’s performance and will also be open on Mondays from 2pm – 4pm.  On non-performance days, the box office will be closed. To purchase tickets by phone, please call 951-658-5300 24 hours a day; 7 days a week. Tickets may also be purchased online at the theater’s website.  Click to purchase tickets online.

The box office accepts credit/debit cards, cash or check. Tickets are only $10 for the Opening Night performance and $15 Single Admission for everyone.  Group Discount available for 10 or more seats.